


Slightly secluded from the human population, the Meadow is mostly inhabited by the more timid breeds of mice. Considered somewhat of a safe haven for novice mouse hunters who hate to see their cheese stolen.

Congratulations MouseHunter! You're on the start of a wonderful adventure.

You start the game as a Novice with 1,000 gold and 3 Cheddar Cheese, which will be plenty to make it through the tutorial.

If you are given a choice between Mouse Hot Tub and High Tension Spring, choose Mouse Hot Tub. Otherwise, you will be given High Tension Spring.

  • Follow Larry’s instructions.
  • Click the Hunter’s Horn when available.
  • Use Cheddar Cheese throughout.


It is not required to like the MouseHunt Facebook page in order to get the rewards.

What to do next

Do not open the Gouda Lovers Charm Pack yet.

Travel to the Town of Gnawnia once you rank up to Recruit.