Journeyman / Journeywoman

Journeyman / Journeywoman


This treacherous environment only allows the toughest of mice to survive. Be warned: the Mountain is no place for the novice mouse hunter!

Use the best weapon you have, which should at least be the Swiss Army Mouse Trap, Dehydration Base and Brie Cheese.

You can also consider purchasing (with real money) the Shrink Ray Trap. It will outclass a lot of Physical Traps upgrades until you are at the Legendary rank.

Buy the Charm Conduit from Mountain Charm Shoppe. This allows you to equip Charms, a consumable that can boost trap stats and change area behaviour.

The gameplay in Mountain can be divided into three stages.

Stage 1: Boulder Breaking

  • Buy some Super Snowball Charm from Marketplace.
  • Use Brie Cheese and equip Super Snowball Charm to deal 200 damage to the boulder.
  • Once you deal at least 1000 damage to the boulder, click Claim Chedd-Ore to claim Chedd-Ore from the broken boulder.
  • Repeat the cycle until you have obtained at least 15 Chedd-Ore Cheese.

Stage 2: Mountain Climbing

  • Switch to Chedd-Ore Cheese and disarm charms. Do not trust the difficulty rating – you can still catch mice adequately without charms here.
  • Once you have obtained 3 Faceted Sugar and 3 Iced Curd, craft Abominable Asiago Cheese using its 3 piece recipe. The 5 piece recipe is not worth its cost.
  • Go back to Stage 1 to collect more Chedd-Ore Cheese if you don’t have enough Faceted Sugar and Iced Curd to craft Abominable Asiago.

Stage 3: Boss

  • Switch to Abominable Asiago Cheese to attract Abominable Snow Mouse.
  • If you use up all Abominable Asiago Cheese without catching Abominable Snow, go back to previous stages. Repeat the cycle until you catch Abominable Snow Mouse.
  • Abominable Snow Mouse drops Laboratory Map Piece.

Don’t use the looted Super Power Charm here.

Sell looted Small Power Charms and Orbs on Marketplace.

Claim the adventure Find the Hidden Mountain Pass after you have caught the Abominable Snow Mouse.

What to do next

Travel to Laboratory once you rank up to Master.
