


Full of fresh air and plenty of sunshine, the Harbour seems to attract the types of mice who boast of sea salt in their veins.

Harbour is the first area that mice can steal your gold, points or extra cheese. This also happens in the majority of other areas, but don't worry - this only happens when you fail to catch a mouse. If you catch a mouse, you will not lose any gold, points or extra cheese.

  • Use Brie Cheese.
  • Catch a Pirate Mouse.
  • Begin Search and catch all crew members on the bounty.
  • Claim Booty to obtain rewards and A Map Scrap.

Repeat this cycle until all 5 Map Scraps are recovered.

  • Assemble Map to obtain Calm Clearing Map Piece.
  • Claim the adventure Discover the Harbour’s Secrets.

Continue the cycle for more bounty until you rank up to Journeyman / Journeywoman.

If you have more than 100,000 gold, buy the Swiss Army Mouse Trap from the Town of Gnawnia Trapsmith. If you have around 200,000 gold, you can consider buying the NVMRC Forcefield Trap instead. Also get the Dehydration Base for 24,000 gold, as it is an upgrade over the Fan Base.

What to do next

Travel to Mountain once you rank up to Journeyman / Journeywoman.
